Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Al "Creep-o-rific" Gore

This has to be one of the most disturbing photos of Al Gore that I have ever seen. If his PR are trying to stifle that rumer about his being a robot, they are headed in the wrong direction. This guy looks like he has been waxed and stuffed.

Hey Al, Botox called; they want their practice head back.

I don't think I wil be able to get back to sleep tonight; thanks, Al.


Anonymous said...

That is CREEPY!!! Are you sure it is legal to post that photo without permission from Stephen King?

Anonymous said...

Where is Dan Quayle when you need him?

Anonymous said...

I'm right here and you guys are right, that is a Supra-o-rific creepshow. I know something about creepshows having worked in Washington for years. You see, you have your regular creepshows, and those are scary enough. Then you have your Mega creepshows, they are like the regular creepshows, scary, creepy creepshows...ewww...but scarier. Scary, creepy creepshows. Then you have the Supra-o-rific crepshows. Ewww...they are the worst. They usually have some of the creepiest liberals you can imagine. Like this one with Al Gore. They could also have John Kerry or Jimmy Carter in them. John Kerry or Jimmy Carter...Jimmy ...Jimmy ... Jimmy Carter...scary stuff.

Dan Quayle