Wednesday, January 02, 2008

What thinking people are saying about Ron Paul

I got this from the comments section at LGF - If you are not aware of what Ron Paul really stands for, just stop in there and start reading. His base is full of Nazi skeletons.

I do not laugh at Ron Paul as loudly as you do.

The fact that the absurdities he espouses have resonance with a sizable group of illogical people from both ends of the political spectrum is troubling in itself, as it shows the level to which political discussion has been degraded. Overt Nazis, such as Stormfront, will always marginalize themselves. But normal-seeming people who have completely lost the ability to distinguish between fact and opinion, and who--worse--believe that their opinion trumps fact, like the Truthers, are extremely dangerous. People who believe nothing will believe anything--for example, will believe that it is possible to cure America's ills by "going back" to a mythical Constitutional Golden Age, as defined by a single drab little man.

The energy with which Paul supporters engage in the filthiest of political dirty tricks--disruptions, poll-spamming, fake websites--and the acceptance of these things by their supposedly righteous and upstanding candidate as he attempts to maintain his deniability, are an unmitigated ugliness stalking the land. That this ugliness has not been expunged from the Republican Party, and that it blends seamlessly into the leftist dementia which characterizes the extreme wing of the Democrats and which determines the agenda of the "mainstream" Democrats, is also cause for concern.

Ron Paul the man is little more than a nothing, but so was a failed Austrian painter once upon a time. The failed Austrian painter learned how to focus and crystallize the anger, envy and hatred of enough people to be able to seize power with the help of a gang of unscrupulous thugs, some of whom were very savvy in the media of his day--and he plunged the world into darkness.

Ron Paul has shown himself adept at focusing and crystallizing the anger, envy and hatred of many people. He has a gang of unscrupulous thugs backing him, some of whom are very savvy in the media of our day. He has not yet, fortunately, been able to reach enough people to be able to gain the power he seeks, and I pray that he never will.

But he is not a joke.

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