Sunday, December 21, 2008

On The First Night of Hanukkah, I Got Linux Mint

Well, after a huge hard drive crash, and no less than 5 Windows reinstalls, I am back on line. Over the course of the last two weeks, I have become very disillusioned with our government, the church, and last but not least, Microsoft.
I ask you; what sort of billion dollar company floods the market with their product, then leaves them high and dry? Answer: Microsoft. Their "tech support" is less than desirable, and if in the event you come across a person that can help you, chances are that you'll have to pay for their "services."

I have searched the net over, and after trying out about 8 different Live CD's from different Linux distributions, I have settled on Linux Mint.
...and I couldn't be happier. The tech support is phenominal, and the response time from the forrums can not be beat. I have my Audacity for the podcast, Firefox for the internet, and a ton of applicatins that I haven't gotten to yet; all of which are free. Free, as in they don't cost a penny... and you still have a vast reservour of help on the internet for each piece of software.

So, without further ado, I have a lot of catching up to do.
The nation is going down the tubes. There are rumors flying about
the government putting a "code" on every bullet to be sold. There are stories about a 500% mark up on all amunition. Gas prices continue to linger around $1.50 even though the price of crude oil has dropped below 25% of what it was a month ago. Obama is even lying to his Vice President now, saying that he will be present at every crucial decision (eh*hem... right). Jessie Jackson wants his name back of all things. The press is blaming the political correct housing disaster that was forged by Democrats on , you guessed it, George Bush.
and the most ridiculous piece of news of this decade: the Associated press is declaring that the cold weather snap is proof that Global Warming is happening in a big way.
...and that my friends, is just plain stupid.

I am going to once again move away from the political side of Mangdiddles, and start doing more Torah based writing. Stick around, we are in for a Minty fresh new start!
Happy Chanukkah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with all of Aaron's views... I'm more center right than he is. This was only intended to be a cry in the dark to the better men we all can be.

My dear friend, happy Chanukkah! I would like to appologize to you for some of the horrible comments that other, lesser, men have left for you. I cannot believe some of the things I've read...

To the lesser:
I know this man personally, he's a good man. He defended you and this country with his life. He's a real father and man in a nation without real fathers or men. I admit he can be a bit abbrasive, he's opinionated, and he's not affraid to tell you how he sees it. On the same note he's honest to a fault... That being said, how can you so blatantly despise a man who is being honest, something that you rarely find anymore. It can hurt your feelings but don't vomit on the man because you have fragile emotions. As to your attacks on his life (as he's lived it) this man has rebuilt a broken life and turned it into the "American dream," although I'm not sure what that is anymore. If you people understood who this man is that you are attacking I don't think you would feel the same, I could be wrong. I also don't believe that 90% of you would say these things to another human if you weren't saying them in the confines of your HUDD approved homes. It's interesting that you even come to this sight... sadly, you come to pick a fight, there's no other logical reason. Think about your actions please. For crying out loud, some of you want to whine about global warming and other "lover" movements. What about the oral and written enviornment? You can save all the trees you want but you're still polluting this country and the world with your speech.

P.S. I know that this entire post has been pointless... In fact, it may have the opposite affect it was supposed to. If that is the case then let this be a call to anyone who agrees with Aaron or me, to not stoop to their level, to be real men and G-d willing real fathers.