Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Hitler Smells Like Teen Spirit... Or Something.

I finally get a comment from the latest post (thank goodness I don't wait for all of them to have comments before posting the next), and it is in Russian!
Now, before you get as excited as I did, relax - I think it is spam. At least I hope it is spam because if it isn't, "Google Translate" needs some tweakin'.
Here is what it says in [broken] English:

From the pleasures of the most pleasant ones that are most rare. Most, the best perfume in small vials. Throw yourself your case with all my heart and soul, but look especially good if this case. Reasonable chasing so it is good, but for the fact that eliminates otnepriyatnostey. All Russia is drinking Hamlet.

If that made sense to you CC, let me know - I can't figure out the connection to Hitler's speech and perfume.


1 comment:

Chris Cox said...

yeah it doesnt make any sense to me! just gibberish. In the comment every word is a link to another russian site. gotta be SPAM.