Tuesday, April 01, 2008

They Deserve Their Own State?

Child Kills Bush, White House Becomes Mosque' on Hamas TV
A Hamas TV children's puppet show confirms Fitna-movie premise: Moslem child stabs Bush to death, White House becomes mosque.


If you are on dial-up and can not watch the video, the puppet that is saying "I will kill you Bush..." is a little boy.
I guarantee that you will not see this on the news tonight. Just imagine if this was a Christian church in the US - the backlash would be huge - not for the "Palestinians" though. They are relentlessly called "freedom fighters" and "activists" rather than hate-mongers.

It is worth noting that this is their own declared intent for the United States; to turn it into a Muslim nation, subject to Sharia law. And it is already happening all over the world.

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