Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I Used To Be "That Guy" ...Sort Of

...we rent our house to a guy for a few months, and this is what he leaves us with.
Ironically, when I was into alcohol and drugs, I trashed a few apartments myself; granted, nothing like this, but enough to be a burden to the home owner.
The part that gets me about this whole deal is that when I spoke with the guy who was "renting" (no names because it is still in court) from us, he gave me a sad story - one that reminded me of myself. He told me how bad things were, and if he could only have a chance and so on.
Because I put myself in his shoes, I have lost the house - but not after we clean it up.
I should be horribly angry, but I have to be honest and say that I am not. God continues to bless me through all of it. I can't go into detail, but He is still blessing me.
Here's some photos. If you concentrate real hard, you can actually smell the filth...

By the way, all of those ball shaped black and brown objects on the floor in every room; you guessed it!

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