Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sensor Jimmy Carter... Is it possible? Could it be?

Sensor Jimmy Carter.
If I had a dollar for every time my wife woke me up from nightmares that had me screaming those words...

Well, it looks like somebody is actually making an effort to do just that, and I am elated.
I can assure you that as soon as I can contact these people, I will have a permanent link to their website, so I can help in this noble fight against the largest mouth in all of politics. The website is called

I still refuse to stain the pages of Mangdiddles with “The Jimmy’s” photo, so here are some that have been touched up a little. Notice the great, America loving company that “The Jimmy” has made his closest companions.
For information about the site, or how you can help, here is their email:
Disclaimer: The following photos have been altered to allow you to view “The Jimmy’s” line up of friends without having to actually lay eyes on one of the most detestable public figures of our time. "The Jimmy's" face has been replaced with a far more lovable figure from the 70's...
With Fidel Castro...

With Yassar Arafat...

More to come...

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