Thursday, June 05, 2008

...and Your Name is Holy.

Atah Kadosh (You are Holy)

On many paths, I have walked.
To search for truth.
I did not hesitate to feast on the delicacy of sin.

We did not find ourselves, the lies have no more taste.
This culture is not for us, for there is fire in our hearts.

For I am the smallest and lowest of all, standing here trembling and amazed.
And I am small, the last of the people, standing here excited, very excited…

For You are holy,
And Your name is holy,
Holy ones praise You all day, amen.


Translation (thanks to

(bid’rachim: on paths) (rabot: many) (halach’ti: I have walked)
(l’chapeis: ) (kar’tov: ) (emet: truth)
(lo: not) (hisasti: I did not waver)
(milingos: from biting) (bo: in it) (b’ma’adan: in the delicacy) (hacheit: the sin)

(lo: not) (matzanu: we did not find) (et: direct object marker) (atzmeinu: ourselves)
(ein: not) (od: more) (ta’am: taste) (l’chacheish: to the lies)
(hatarbut: the hedonism) (hazot: those) (lo: not) (lanu: to us)
(ki: for) (b’libeinu: in our hearts) (eish: fire)

(v’ani: and I) (hakatan: the small) (hashafel: the lowly) (shebein: between) (kulam: all)
(omed: standing) (po: here) (nir’ad: tremble, shiver) (v’nid’ham: and amazed)
(v’ani: and I) (hakatan: the small) (ha’acharon: the last) (she’ba’am: of the people)
(omed: standing) (po: here) (nir’gash: moved, excited) (v’nif’am: deeply moved, excited)

(ki: for) (atah: You) (kadosh: holy)
(v’shimcha: and Your name) (kadosh: holy)
(k’doshim: holy ones) (kol: all) (yom: day)
(y’halelucha: praise You) (selah: amen)

By the way; I read that there may be a sequel to Ushpizin coming out. Same cast.

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