Friday, June 27, 2008

Yeah! Where is Sean Penn?

Over at, an excellent point has been raised. Where is Sean Penn and all of those cannibal stories?
I'd like to know how long did it take FEMA to get out there, and where is the free housing? What about all of the media claiming that these people weren't helped quickly enough because they are mostly white?

Remember this ludicrous scene?:

If you remember, his boat sank (read it here).

Save Iowa!! Call in Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton Sean Penn and Leonardo DeCaprio!
Down with FEMA! We need a leader like Al Gore on this - wait - we need Barack Obama. Since only he can lower the levels of the ocean, where is he?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip on where the canibalism crap started today.

Ain't no such thing happened down here. Most of what you might read on right-wing sites on hear on the AM Radio or Fox didn't happen down here.

And we're getting mighty fucking tired of trying to kill this nonsense. Maybe we should just start some rumors about cannibalism, rape and looting in Iowa and y'all will leave us alone.

Aaron Benge said...

I know it is nonsense - everyone knows it was nonsense. That was my point, and that's is why I said it in sarcasm. I was just repeating the junk that came form the left wing media.
If you are so offended, and live there, you need to demand that CNN retract all of the bogus stories then; NBC, CBS, whoever said it, attack them - not those of us who are calling them out on it. You are after the wrong guy.
Now I have to figure out how to edit out your filthy language - thanks. This is a kid friendly website.