Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Bug is the Word

After digging in the HTML code for a solution to the RSS Feed Error in Microsoft's Internet Explorer, I discovered that there is an enormous can of code-worms in my template.
Don't worry, they are not the kind of worms that hurt your computer, just a can of worms that hurt my ego.

It seems that Firefox has the ability to look past my mistakes, and display The Word is Grace web page and feed just fine (maybe that's why I am so fond of it...). However,
Internet Explorer throws a fit when loading the page. Evidently my coding is so bad that even IE7 won't read it - too many conflicts.

When I get some free time, I am going to change the entire format;
probably swap templates, and change the way the RSS loads.

I apologize for the hassle; keep checking back.
In the meantime, iTunes is still loading the feed properly, and as far as I know, it can still be found on the web (podbean.com, podcastpickle, etc.); and of course, Mozilla Firefox.

...back to the HTML drawing board!

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