Sunday, April 23, 2006

Time to check the filters!

I am going to be posting some very thought provoking teachings that were put together by a friend of mine, Tim Terry. Tim runs a website called "Seeds of Restoration" (
Some of these things are pretty hard to get a hold of if you are not familiar with the "Hebraic Roots Movement", or the "One Law" (I like to call myself a Messianic). At any rate, I am going to post them here, because they are very good; and they answer a lot of questions. Please check out Tim's webstite if you wish to see them in their entirity. Some of these are pretty lengthy, so they are going to come in installents...

As a boy growing up in our public school system, I was taught the “theory” of evolution as “fact”. It was explained to me that over billions of years, everything had somehow “evolved” from nothing. I was given periodic tests to make sure I understood the “truth” of what I was hearing. I passed with flying colors. Everything went along okay until that day I read in the Bible where The Holy One said He created everything in 6 days! Uh oh... Now what?.... I wish I could tell you that because I was a very wise young man, I immediately took The Living God at His word and pitched the theory of evolution. However, I would be lying. Sadly, evolution, had become a “filter of interpretation” thru which, I would screen any and all information as it pertained to the world around me. Instead of questioning this “filter of interpretation,” namely that “everything evolved,” I would simply interpret 6 days to really mean billions of years… even though, the Bible clearly says 6 days. In this manner, I would make things “line up” or “fit” within my comfort zone of understanding. And, after all, how could my preacher...sorry, I meant teacher...with his or her degrees, ever be wrong about what he or she is teaching? And so it is…..Today, each of us have various “filters of interpretation” thru which, our understanding of Scripture flows. If we have the correct “filter”, we will be able to learn and grow in Messiah, while “filtering out” deception and false teachings. If however, our filter is “flawed” or “plugged,” certain truths of God’s Word may not make it thru to us. Why? Because when we view Scripture after it has passed thru one of these “flawed filters”, we may see a distorted picture of what God is actually saying. Often times, it forces us, as it did in my case with evolution, to “add to” or “take away” from His Word, so that things “fit” within our belief system. So, what should we do about this? First, it’s important for us to recognize that each of us do have some flawed “filters of interpretation”. Even Paul admitted that he “saw thru a mirror dimly”. Knowing that, we should heed Paul’s advice to the Thessalonians when he said “Test all things; hold fast what is good” Let me ask a question. Have you done that? Have you “checked your filter” lately? In this issue of “Truth of the Matter”, we will “test” or examine seven common “filters of interpretation” that are found within Christianity. Perhaps you have come to view Scripture after it has passed thru one or more of these “filters”. If so, I challenge you to prayerfully check out what I say, and let me know if you think my filter is “plugged”. Here we go…..

Filter No. 1

Jesus came to do away with the Law of Moses, or change them.There are many people who love the Lord today, who honestly and with a pure heart believe Jesus came and did away with the “Torah”, God’s “instructions” for His people. Scripture however, very plainly teaches just the opposite, both by the life our Messiah lived and by the words that He spoke. Consider this...we know that Jesus was the spotless Lamb of God, (John 1:29) He was without sin, (2 Cor 5:21) which means, He kept the instructions of God, the Torah, perfectly. (1John 3:4) He was the Living Torah. (John 1:1) On these points I believe all Christians would agree. However, many never consider what this means to those who would be called His disciples... those who would desire to imitate and pattern their life after Messiah. Jesus honored the Sabbath. (Luke 4:16) He kept the appointed Feasts of God. (John 2:23, 10:22) He taught obedience to the Torah as given thru Moses (Mark 7:6-13). In short, Jesus lived out His Father’s instructions perfectly while saying “follow Me”. Now, Jesus told us very plainly not to think He would abolish any of His Father’s instructions. (Matthew 5:17) In fact, He said until heaven and earth pass away, not one stroke would pass away from the Law or the Prophets until all is fulfilled. That’s about as plain spoken as it gets. Heaven and earth both are still here and many prophecies have yet to be fulfilled. I guarantee you that Jesus meant what He said. He even warns us of a terrible day when He would have to tell many who practice lawlessness to depart from Him. (Matthew 7:21-23) And, He warns all of us as Believers, that breaking and teaching others to break, even the least of the commandments will cause us to be “least in the Kingdom of Heaven”. (Mathew 5:19) Jesus would not have said these things if the Law as given thru Moses would be “done away with”. Friends, these are plain and simple teachings from our Master. How is it that some don’t believe Him? Perhaps He gave us an answer in John 5:46... “For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” In Malachi, the last book of the Prophets, just three verses before the book of Matthew, we see these words from The Holy One. “Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, With the statutes and judgments.” How quickly we can forget when we turn the page and begin reading from Matthew. As you know, Jesus came to pay the price for our sins. He took away all of the condemnation that was against us. However, He did not give us permission to sin against God by rejecting His Torah... His instructions. In fact, in Matthew chapter 4, Jesus who is quoting from Moses, (Deut 8:3) warns us that God’s Word is a matter of life for us. He says… ”It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” He said this of course, before the “New testament” was written. Also, notice that Jesus said “Man shall not live…” This statement is made to all men. He did not address this statement to just “Men of Israel” I point that out as an introduction to our next “filter of interpretation”

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