Saturday, August 12, 2006

FLASH! Hillary's bust idea stolen from MangDiddles!

In case you haven't seen it (and I caution you if you have a week stomach), somebody has created a bust of Hillary Clinton, appearing, at first glance, to be topless. As if the sight of this thing weren't bad enough, the artist calls it a "President Bust". God forbid.

I was a little reluctant to bring this out in the open, with the Reuters thing and all, but Hillary's bust was not an original. Not even close.

As you know, I myself am an artist, and no stranger to the wonders of stone sculpture.

I was planning to reveal my latest piece of diabolically mind-warping MangDiddles propaganda in the late Fall, but because of this Hillary thing, I guess I'll have to let the world see it early.
This being a G-rated website, I have covered that which has not been adequately covered on the "Hilla-roitered" version.

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