Thursday, August 17, 2006

Jimmy Carter: "Historical Facts can be Ignored"

I knew this was coming. "The Jimmy" has reared his ugly head again, and for the short time that his foot wasn't obstructing his speech, he had this to say (Interview with Spiegel):


SPIEGEL: Should there be an international peacekeeping force along the Lebanese-Israeli border?

Carter: Yes.

SPIEGEL: And can you imagine Germans soldiers taking part?

Carter: Yes, I can imagine Germans taking part.

SPIEGEL: ... even with their history?

Carter: Yes. That would be certainly satisfactory to me personally, and I think most people believe that enough time has passed so that historical facts can be ignored. (Emphasis mine)

...Read the whole thing here.


Ladies and gentlemen, DiddleHeads, we now see the reason why Democrats are so clueless when it comes to world history; “...enough time has passed so that historical facts can be ignored.”

It is no surprise that they insist on trying new resolutions and “peace” treaties, even though the success rate is zero. There has never been a resolution in the Middle East that has held up. If that were the case, the “Global Community” would not be questioning Israel’s right to exist.

Thanks, Jimmy – we can always count on you to reveal the heart of the Liberal.

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