Friday, October 12, 2007

Not so amazing, Ann.

This is a perfect example of what I was talking about earlier.
Ann Coulter has brought the argument that I was making into the national spotlight.
It goes like this:

Ann invited Donny Deutsch, the host of the CNBC show, “The Big Idea,” to “come to church with me.”

Deutsch, who is Jewish, clearly could not believe what he was hearing, and reworded his question to the outspoken columnist: We should just throw Judaism away and we should all be Christians?

Coulter’s response: “Yeah.

Deutsch attempted during the interview to pin down what appeared to be Coulter’s clearly anti-Semitic stance. She didn’t budge. “We just want Jews to be perfected, as they say….

His response: “Wow, you didn’t really say that, did you?”

Coulter’s answer: “Yes. That is what Christianity is. We believe in the Old Testament, but ours is more like Federal Express. [While] You [Jews] have to obey laws...

Notice the disgust in Deutsch's reply? In essence, Ann is telling him to turn his back on the very heritage and tradition given (for the most part) to the Jews by Moses - "throw Judaism away". What she is missing is the fact that the Jesus she serves was and is a Jewish rabbi.
"We believe in the Old Testament, but ours is like Federal Express. You have to obey laws..."

And Christians don't? I understand fully what she is trying to say, but do you see the problem with it? Why are Christians so upset about the removal of the Ten Commandments then?
This goes back to the church's teaching of the "Moral, Ceremonial and Sacrificial Laws" doctrine. Coincidently, this doctrine is nowhere to be found in either the Old or New Testaments.
We, as Christians, know that we are not to steel, murder or rape, yet when it comes to "remember the Sabbath and keep it holy", we say, "that was given to the Jews"... its number four out of a list of ten! Had God read more bible commentaries, He wouldn't have tucked the Sabbath in with those "moral" laws I suppose.

Belief in Yeshua does complete the Jew, but never at the expense of his heritage. On the contrary; Yeshua's grace enables the Jew to walk in the teachings of Torah, being justified by faith in Messiah - not in the works of the Law. We are justified by faith in the atoning work of Christ, which enables us to fulfill the righteous requirements of the Law, knowing that the penalty of sin and death has been paid for us by Him.


Ted said...

Although I am not a friend of Israel or to be more correct the Government of Israel. I have many Jewish friends and what Ann Coulter said was a load of crap. She belongs in a rubber room
Number of Operations Iraq Freedom and Enduring Freedom casualties as confirmed by U.S. Central Command: 4248

Aaron Benge said...

I agree - it is a load of crap, but this is what we get when we try to dislocate Judaism from Christianity. The two are not only inseparable, but Christianity's entire foundation is built on the Torah; God's instructions given to those who came out of Egypt, Exd 12:49 "One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you."
She was wrong in her statement, but my point is that this is the general consensus among Christians who are ignorant of first century believers.

Anonymous said...

I agree that most Christians are ignorant about 1st centuary believers, but honestly, most Christians are ignorant on the Word. Milk, Milk, Milk