Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Reach out and touch... a lilly.

Monday, February 27, 2006
Nipped in the Bud.
Not to overshadow the great loss of the legendary Don Knots,

but Dennis Weaver just died too.
You heard it here first.
The Da Vinci Code of Ethics

It seems that two authors are suing Dan Brown (The Da Vince Code)for stealing 'their idea’ revolving around Jesus marrying Mary Magdalene, and having a blood line that still survives today. As silly as all of that sounds, that isn’t what made my head hurt this morning. It was Dan Brown’s comments, and the comments of the Associated Press article I read on MSNBC.
Here goes…
“Suggesting a married Jesus is one thing, but questioning the Resurrection undermines the very heart of Christian belief,” said Brown, who described himself as a committed Christian.
"Committed" in a debasing, slandering, falsifying, unethical, belittling, disgusting kind of way...
If any of you feel the urge to vomit, you are not alone.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Introducing: Kaf through Samech

A Prayer Request
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Miss Piggy, you never looked so good.

Yesterday, I signed up for an AdSmart account. If you happened to visit MangDiddles Tuesday, you probably noticed that there were advertisements where the Google Search Bar is now. If you were paying attention, you would have also noticed that the advertisements included adds from the Jehovah Witness, Seventh Day Adventists and a number of other assorted groups that I do not care to be advertising for. Needless to say, they are gone.
...sorry about that.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Key word; Former

Carter: "Don't punish Palestinians"
Monday, February 20, 2006
UN- seeing, UN- real, UN- believable.

Saturday, February 18, 2006
Messianic Focus for today...
In 321 CE, while a Pagan sun-worshiper, the Emperor Constantine declared that Sunday was to be a day of rest throughout the Roman Empire:
"On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country however persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits because it often happens that another day is not suitable for gain-sowing or vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost."
The Church Council of Laodicea circa 364 CE ordered that religious observances were to be conducted on Sunday, not Saturday. Sunday became the new Sabbath. They ruled: "Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday, but shall work on that day."
There are many indicators in the historical record that some Christians ignored the Church's ruling. Sabbath observance was noted in Wales as late as 1115 CE. Francis Xavier was concerned about Sabbath worship in Goa, India in 1560 CE; he called for the Inquisition to set up an office there to stamp out what he called "Jewish wickedness". A Catholic Provincial Council suppressed the practice in Norway in 1435 CE. (emphasis mine)
Lets put all that we have learned about the Sabbath aside for a moment and ask ourselves one obvious question; Does any man have the authority to change what God has called ‘His Holy Day’ to another day? Who’s day is it?
What are you Zayin?

Will the next five letters please step forward...
...that the nations may know Me...
From the Jerusalem Newswire:
"Moscow readies arms sales to PA, increases dominance in region"
Thus says the Lord God: “On that day when My people Israel dwell safely, will you not know it? Then you will come from your place out of the far north, you and many peoples with you... You will come up against My people Israel... It will be in the latter days that I will bring you against My land, so that the nations may know Me, when I am hallowed in you, O Gog, before their eyes.” (Ezekiel 38:14-16)
Did you notice the first sentence? "...when My people Israel dwell safely..."
I'm not sure they have "dwelt safely" for the last three years. There must be some sort of treaty that would bring a temporary (maybe 7 years?) 'peace' for a while or something...
Friday, February 17, 2006

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
It's about time.
1. They danced in the streets and passed out candy after 9/11.

2. They openly and proudly hate America and Israel (no links necessary, just watch the news long enough and you're sure to see a flag burning).
3. They are raising up an entire generation to be just like themselves.

(Notice the "toy" AK47s that they are holding, the 'Hamas green' head bands, and the kid sized Israeli flag they are burning.)
Who is this King of Righteousness?
At Bible study, we were looking at Melchizedek, because we are in Hebrews, chapter 7. I was doing some studying on him this morning, and found that there are heaps of insinuations, speculations and mistranslations connected to his name, along with a few interesting facts.
Here is what we know for sure about him:
1. His name literally translates: Melek (king) and Zadok (righteous).
2. His first appearance in Scripture is Genesis 14:18, where Abraham pays tithes to him.
3. He was the King of Salem (Genesis
4. He blessed Abraham and brought him bread and wine – Genesis 14:18
5. Messiah will be “a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.” (Psalms 110:4) (Yeshua quotes Psalms 110:1 in Mat 22:44 and in Luk 20:42
6. He was King of Peace, King of Salem, and King of Righteousness (Hebrews 7:2)
7. He was without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually. (Hebrews7:3)
7. Levi, who receives tithes according to the Law paid tithes through Abraham (not being born yet), (Hebrews 7:9)
8. Messiah will hold a Priesthood similar to Melchizedek’s (Hebrews
As for extra biblical writings about Melchizedek (this list includes some pretty outrages claims, see disclaimer on previous post):
One historian believes that that he was crucified in
Melchizedek is said to atone for the sins of the righteous and to execute judgment upon the wicked (11QMelch)
In the so-called “War Scroll” (1QM
He is called the Heavenly Prince (11QMelch) (often seen as related to the Prince in Eekiel.45:17)
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
...and the Sages say...

Disclaimer: Remember, these are the views of sages past, and are not necessarily the views of God Himself. To my knowledge, there are no references to the meaning of each individual letter in the Hebraic alphabet in the Bible. Though these things may provide a little insight, and are extremely interesting to the diligent 'Borean', they must be taken with a grain of proverbial salt. -Aaron
would you like Pommes Frites with that?

"...lowered themselves" to become the Zionist' scarecrows."
Yes, if there is one thing that Germany is known for the whole world over, it has to be their cowering down to the strong arm of the Israeli Zionists.
Meanwhile, Muslims in Pakistan worked up such a frenzy durring their own 'cartoon riots', that they were filled with the insatiable urge to destroy something American. After all, it was a Dutch newspaper the first time, and a German paper the second time (?). You know what that means, kids? ...time to torch the local McDonalds.
Yoyo Ma
I was just sitting here learning code, listening to Yoyo Ma, which made me think of my cello lesson that I blew off, which made me want to go in the living room, by the fire, and practice the Cello Suite I am learning, but my better half is sleeping, so I can’t.
It gives me a good reason to post a picture of it though.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Cartoon Lunacy Rages on
What do you get when you cross
The latest example of mind-numbing absurdity stems from a cartoon depicting four Iranian soccer players with explosives strapped to their uniforms.
Evidently the blaspheming infidel responsible for this latest attack is part of the diabolical plot to destroy their god’s image... with cartoons.
Speaking of cartoons and such, I meant to add this earlier.
...and hey!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
It's time to tear something up! ... or something.
"I am the Jesus Christ of politics... I am a patient victim, I put up with everyone, I sacrifice myself for everyone."
If I didn't have any sense, moral values, or self respect, I would gather up all of my Christian buddies and start a riot in front an Italian embassy or something... No, wait! Maybe I could just go burn my neighbor's car, then complain to him about how rough and unfairly I have been treated... No, that's ridiculous... I know, maybe I would graffiti on the side of every pizzeria in town...
Shake off the Dust...Arise!

Tickets are $23 adv / $25 day of; on sale 12/20 (all info from the Vogue's site).
The minivan will be leaving my driveway at 6:00.
Main Stream Media is a JOKE.
"Snowstorm pounds Northeast, closing airports"
I would call it 'dropping the ball', but is blatently obvious that they were never in posession of the ball to begin with.Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Iran's lunatic leader Ahmadinejad stated Saturday that Israel 'Will Be Removed'.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
In His Own Words

I am in my second reading now, because we are taking the Hebrew class, and it is even better this time around. I had questions for Grant while I was reading it the first time so I emailed him, and we maintained corrospondance for a couple months. While you are at his site, check out the free audio downloads; they don't have very good sound quality, but the content more than makes up for it.
Friday, February 10, 2006
MangDoodles #1 - Mary Magdeleine (Mary Magdalene) & Lot's Wife...

This is Mary Magdeleine (Magdalene) (I just used my imagination), looking up to Yeshua after annointing his feet with oil.
It is called "At the feet of Jesus". I did it in about 12 hours, split up into 2 days; she weighs around 40 lbs now.

This was my first; it's called simply, "Lot's Wife". If you don't know the story, Lot's wife looked back toward Sodam after the Angel told them not to, and she was turned into a piller of salt. She looks a little more haggard than Mary, as I was trying to make her look defiant and bitter. Lot's Wife took about 4 more hours than Mary because it was my first one. She weighs about 45lbs.
This picture was taken at Suzie Gibb's Art Studio in Lafayette, IN - it was my first sale.
I just got my first batch of sculpting clay, so I will be posting my results whenever I finish something...
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Matisyahu concert coming up!

I will kick off my blogging career with the news of Matisyahu's upcoming concert at the Vogue in Broadripple Indianapolis. I have been told that it is on March 5th, but details are still sketchy - I heard it from my wife who was told by her best friend who is a hair stylist in Broadripple, so it should be taken with a few grains of salt. Stay tuned for the concert review...
Anymore, blogs are as readily available as bellybuttons, and this being my first stab at it, I should say up front that I was inspired to do this by the Badgley family (of First Fruits of Zion) and Littlegreenfootballs (hats off to you Charles), and that the name MangDiddles comes from my grossley obese cat, Mango.

I just got home from my first Hebrew class with the Badgleys, and I have to get up at 5 in the morning, so that's all I have for now.
...this is going to be fun.