I was wondering how long it would take for
Mikhail Gorbachev to speak out on the Russian war. He is still alive... looking a bit like Danny Devito, and sharing many of the same political views.
Of course, it was Georgia's fault according to him, but isn't it always the other guy's fault when you are a communist?
I mean really - look at Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats saying "Lets punish Big Oil; Lets punish the speculators; lets punish the lenders," etc. Never taking into account...
Oh, wait - I was talking about communists wasn't I? Silly me, I always get them mixed up. As I was saying, the communists are notorious for lying to the public. I have a book on my shelf titled "You Can Trust The Communists... To Be Communists" and it is still absolutely true, I might add.
You can just as easily throw the acronym KGB in there, or DOC - take your pick. The point is that they have made lying a science, and you can trust them to be just exactly what they are - communists.
There is an old saying from the USSR that goes like this; "In the Soviet Union, you can't even trust the past" and with good reason: Even history isn't safe from their lies.
Remember the beginning of Orwell's 1984? "He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.
This is not limited to the Motherland either, just step into any Liberal Arts college, and you will hear a much different past being presented in the classroom then what you were likely taught.
The sacariest thing about what I am hearing about this war is that Old Russia sounds a lot like the New American Left.
Here in the US, we are getting a trickle of stories with Liberals saying that we can't respond without being hypocrites because we invaded Iraq. That is the mindset of the Left - there is no good and bad, it is all relative. No righteous or evil, just opinions.
I don't know who started this newest war, and don't claim to. I do know that I was trained extensively by the United States Army on the Soviet's tactics, and this is right out of their playbook. Right now, somewhere there is a Russian general plotting a way to take the next small satelite country... right after he figures out how to blame the US for it.
The Cold War is back, and colder than ever.
I am going to bed.
It is yet to be seen if I will get any sleep.