He's nacho' average guy,
he's nacho' rabbi,
and he's certainly nacho Christ.
But you guessed it; he thinks he is Jesus.
It would be interesting to find out his knowledge of the Torah, wouldn't it? Or maybe ask him to speak some Hebrew for the lost masses that follow him.
Yeshua told us that this would happen. I'll have to admit, I never expected to see a Hispanic messiah but hey, we live in a world of multiculturalism, so why not?
If you're wondering, "Did he really claim to be Jesus? How many followers does he have?"
Look at this:
When the crowd spots him, it goes wild. People chant, "Lord! Lord! Lord!" It quickly becomes clear that they're referring to him. "It's Jesus Christ himself!" a preacher on stage announces. "Let's welcome Jesus Christ Man!"
...and this:
...he worked as a pastor spreading his doctrine: that under a new covenant with God, there is no sin and no Satan, and people are predestined to be saved. But as his following expanded, his claims did, too. In 1998, de Jesus avowed that he was the reincarnation of the Apostle Paul. Two years ago at Growing in Grace's world convention in Venezuela, he declared himself Christ. And just last week, he called himself the Antichrist and revealed a "666" tattooed on his forearm. His explanation: that, as the second coming of Christ, he rejects the continued worship of Jesus of Nazareth.
Not scary enough?
Keep in mind...
"He counts more than 100,000 followers and claims to reach millions more through a 24-hour TV channel, a radio show and several Web sites. He is supported by the generosity of his devotees, who have launched some 450 businesses to pour cash into Growing in Grace's coffers.
How many times should God have to tell us in His Word that we are not to believe this junk?
To list a few:
Mar 13:32, 1Jo 2:18, 1Jo 2:22, 1Jo 4:3, 2Jo 1:7
Luk 17:24, Luk 21:8, 1Th 5:4, 1Cr 15:15
2Cr 11:13, Gal 2:4
...and people still fall for it. I honestly don't get it. The only explanation I can find that would explain such blind ignorance is that they don't read the very book that their leader claims to have written.
Can you, as a believer, think of a better reason to get into the Word of God tonight?
...neither can I.