Friday, September 07, 2007

Hypocracy Reigns in the Democratic Party.

From Drudge:

Fri Sep 07 2007 07:48:23 ET


As former Vice President Al Gore waits to hear if he has won this year's Nobel Peace Prize for his tireless effort on climate change, a new video will air this weekend capturing Gore on a fuel-guzzling private jet!

FOXNEWS host Sean Hannity is set to unleash the damning video this Sunday night, network sources reveal.

With all of the talk about the "Hypocrisy of Right Wing Republicans" in the aftermath of the Craig incident, this should be the talk of the media for weeks to come… but it won’t.

Like John Edwards, Leo Decaprio, and the rest of the “Green” lunatics, Al Gore doesn’t believe that his actions are subject to his own sermons. He is just like a vegetarian who wears leather Nikes. You can not preach a message like his, and then fly around in big private jets. What is good for the goose id good for the gander.

The audacity of these people is startling, yet typical of the political Left. According to their logic, this should put a smear on the entire Democratic Party.

It is like Rush says, ‘Because they don’t have any moral standard, they are never wrong.’
In their own eyes, that is.

As for me and my house, we will continue to drive the minivan.

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