Sunday, September 14, 2008

IKE, The Media, and Other Disasters...

The people of Texas are in our prayers. I will take tornados any day over the sort of devistation they are experiencing down there.

Having said that, have you been to lately? Check out some of these headlines. Each one has a link to the story it goes to, and yes, each one is as messed up as it sounds.

1. Ex-Air America host: Palin can't be trusted with teen boys
Randi Rhodes follows up claim McCain was treated well by Vietnamese captors

2. Alba's seduce-the-vote campaign
Actress makes raunchy, topless, bondage ad to get young people to polls

"Sexy actress Jessica Alba stars in a raunchy, topless, bondage ad campaign designed to get young people to vote Nov. 4."
(Mangdiddles is a rated-G website, so I won't put the advertisement photo on here. If you are so inclined to see it, click on the headline above... it is pretty raunchy for a presidential vote)

3. L.A. Times rebukes ABC for distorting Palin remarks
Charlie Gibson misquotes governor, assuming she saw U.S. in 'holy war'

"The Times said Gibson "went on to take a second part of her comments out of context. Palin had asked the group to pray 'that there is a plan, and that plan is God's plan.'"But Gibson dropped her reference to praying, the Times said, and instead quoted Palin as saying the war was God's plan."

This is a nasty race.

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