Sunday, February 19, 2012

...uh, how long was I gone?

Well, I'm back. I won't even attempt to tell you how long I will be back, because every time I do, I end up leaving again. Sorry about that.

I have returned with purpose. Let me start by saying that our country is heading straight to becoming a dictatorship. In fact, I am so convinced of this, that I contemplated deleting all previous posts, and starting over fresh - without a lot of political in-correctness. You know, the kind that gets folks under a dictatorship put in jail, or concentration camps, or whatever modern dictators are using these days.

...then I decided against it, and here's why: as of right now, we live in the United States of America. Land of the free, home of the brave. We are backed by the greatest constitution in the world - a constitution that doesn't provide, but rather protects liberties given to us by the God of Israel. We have the right to free speech, and as long as I can, I intend to use it.

Politically, my views have changed, anyway. I have come to the conclusion that something sinister has been at work since the beginning of this great land. I won't get into what I believe it to be right now, but I will tell you that I don't like any of the choices given to us by the media. Which reminds me... when did it become the media's job to pick our candidates in the first place? At any rate, I'm back, and I am not deleting my past posts. At least not yet.

I will post a couple of videos that Luke and I made though. Hope you enjoy...

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