Monday, March 20, 2006

...and he knows donkeys.

On Reuters yesterday, Chavez of Venezuela was reported to have called President Bush a “Donkey”, and “Mr. Danger”. For starters, I think the term is “Elephant”. Mr. Chavez must not realize that the Republican symbol is the elephant. The “Donkey” is usually used to depict the Democratic Party; to name a few, Jimmy (“The Jimmy”) Carter, Hillary Clinton, Cindy Sheehan, and Susan Sarandon, all are part of the “Donkey” Party.

Now, as for “Mr. Dangerous”, we can look to the “Donkey” to give us some good examples.

  1. "Dangerous” is fighting against your own country while it is at war.
  2. “Dangerous” is slandering our President - while we are at war.
  3. “Dangerous” is meeting and praising hostile leaders of Communist countries that openly oppose America – while we are at war.

As you can see, the people represented by the “Donkey” tend to fit these criteria very well. In fact, when I think about it, Chavez was photographed kissing Cindy Sheehan recently, so he could be called an authority on “Dangerous” and “Donkeys” – which makes me wonder how he could be so wrong in calling President Bush either of those things. Honest mistake, I am sure.

On a side note, Susan Sarandon is going to play Cindy Sheehan, “Peace Mom” in a new movie, which forces me to wonder who will play Chavez in the infamous kiss scene.

“The Jimmy” is all wrapped up in swindling the UN at the moment, so he is out. Bill is too busy with Hillary’s debauchery, which they like to call a "campaign", and Dan Rather is in retirement,(a result of his showing blatent false documents that lied about our President). I am sure that together, Cindy and Hugo will think of someone vile enough to glorify the moment that was forever etched into our brains.

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