Thursday, February 14, 2008

Obama's Commie Che Guevara Cuban flag delima

...well, now I've seen it all (how many more times will those words be
repeated in this election cycle?).

According to News Busters, one of presidential candidate Barack Obama's campaign office has a Cuban flag with Che Guevara's face on it (click here for video)
If you will think back a bit, you'll remember that Barak refused to put an American flag pin on his lapel, and later was seen with his arms to his sides during the National Anthem.
One time, I can see as a fluke. Two times, things get a little suspicious... but this time, he is openly flaunting his true communistic self, or rather his supporters are.

I am not the first to make this observation, but imagine if he were a Republican with somehting like that on his wall. Heck, look what they did to Huckabee for having a white bookshelf in the background! What if he had a flag with Jesus' face on it, or a bust of the Apostle Paul on his desk.

Its like Greg Garrison and Rush are always saying - the liberals are taking their talking points directly from the Communist Manifesto. It seems like they are taking it to a whole new level.

What's that? you don't know who Che Guevara is? Go here or here check it out - you'll be surprised. He is responsible for saying that he would use "relentless hatred" to "impel us over and beyond the natural limitations of man." And then he did - by ruthlessly killing men women and children. he is an icon in the Democratic Party.

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