Wednesday, April 30, 2008

UnFreezing Hillary

Sorry about the lack of posts - I am going through final exams.
I had a few minutes to make this beauty though.
Charles at LGF calls this the "Full Beam" the "Serious Dimple" and the "Cackle"
I put them together using UnFreez and PowerPoint. I could have been more elaborate, but the thought of 15 more minutes manipulating pictures of Hillary made my stomach churn a bit.

The stills are from Little Green Footballs, and the video was from O'Riley.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Basic Instinct Tells Me We Are Looking At Basic Judgement.

With things like this in the mainstream 'entertainment industry,' you can't tell me that our country isn't headed for judgment.


In his upcoming biography of Jesus, "Basic Instinct" director Paul Verhoeven will make the shocking claim that Christ probably was the son of Mary and a Roman soldier who raped her during the Jewish uprising in Galilee, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

...if you can stomach it, read the rest here.

Unfortunately, this thing will probably fly off of the shelves in California; not to mention every liberal arts college in the country.

We're watching it happen, people - these things point toward a coming judgment.

Why is Sunday Revered Today?

The Catholic Mirror, official publication of James Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893.

The Catholic Church, . . . by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday.

- emphasis mine. that enough? Considering that God said that the Sabbath was His day; a day to be remembered and observed as a day of rest forever?

I have said it before, and I believe it needs to be repeated: even if the apostle Paul himself declared that Saturday was no longer the Sabbath - if he made a direct command for the followers of Jesus to observe Sunday as the Sabbath - it wouldn't be enough. No man on this earth, then or now, has the authority to "change" the day that God Himself declared to be the Sabbath.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Word Is Grace Update

Just a little reminder that we are still uploading episodes of The Word Is Grace radio show on to iTunes.
We are up to seven episodes now, the newest being "How Grafted In Are We?"

We have had over 60 70 downloads so far, so the word is getting out (pardon the pun)!

You can subscribe through iTunes by clicking here

...or through Yahoo by clicking here,

...or through Google by clicking here.

...or you can go to the main page by clicking here, or on the image above.

UPDATE: I have altered the front page of Mangdiddles
to show the last 21 posts instead of just 7.
Let me know if this is boggind your computer
down too much -

Monday, April 21, 2008

Is There A Bigger Earthquake Coming?

We had another earthquake just after midnight last night - this one was just a 4.5.
All of the recent activity along the Wabash Valley is sparking new concerns that there may be a whopper coming.

The fault that is causing all of the speculation is the "New Madrid Fault" which runs along the Mississippi River, through the Illinois and Indiana boarders. The New Madrid is responsible for the devastation of the Mississippi Valley in 1811 and 1812.

(from Yahoo news)
One scenario predicts that some stress is relieved on the local faults where this earthquake occurred and will cool things down for a few decades. The other scenario is not so happy.
"There is the possibility, and we can only see over next few months what will happen, that the redistribution of stress on neighboring faults might trigger further earthquakes, and we can only guess as to whether they'll be equally large as today's earthquake," Forte said.

The map above comes form a website called: that has a ton of information about the New Madrid.

Scientists have pinpointed a set of faults in the Midwest
that cause severe earthquakes every 500 years. The
quakes are so powerful that they can cause the

Mississippi River to temporarily flow backwards.

Friday, April 18, 2008

...I'll take the flu.


pr 17, 12:17 PM (ET)


ATLANTA (AP) - This year's flu season has shaped up to be the worst in three years, partly because the vaccine didn't work well against the viruses that made most people sick, health officials said Thursday.

I've never had one, and will never make my kids have one. Every person that I have ever known to get one has said that they still get the flu, and every year there is a story like this one.

Call me crazy, but I have a serious problem with the government telling me that they would really like to inject something into my body that "may or may not work." offense to those who get them of course.

How To Tick Off A WWII Vet

...and the people at Time still can't figure out why their stock numbers are falling.
I agree with the vets. How dare they replace the flag of the United States of America - the flag that so many of those men died for - with a tree. What kind of person can equate the hoax of global warming with the efforts that went into World War 2?

Left wing Democrat liberals, that's who.

Earthquake Details


Earthquake Details

Location38.450°N, 87.890°W
Depth11.6 km (7.2 miles) set by location program
  • 7 km (5 miles) NNE (13°) from Bellmont, IL
  • 9 km (6 miles) E (88°) from Bone Gap, IL
  • 11 km (7 miles) N (350°) from Keensburg, IL
  • 60 km (38 miles) NNW (331°) from Evansville, IN
  • 206 km (128 miles) E (95°) from St. Louis, MO
Location UncertaintyError estimate not available
ParametersNST=111, Nph=111, Dmin=36.4 km, Rmss=0 sec, Gp= 61°,
M-type=moment magnitude (Mw), Version=A
  • Center for Earthquake Research and Information, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Event IDus2008qza6

It was a 5.4

From Fox news

WEST SALEM, Ill — A 5.4 earthquake early Friday rocked people awake as far away as Indiana, surprising residents unaccustomed to such a large Midwest temblor.

The quake just before 4:37 a.m. was centered 6 miles from West Salem, Ill., and 66 miles from Evansville, Ind. There were no immediate reports of injuries.

"It shook our house where it woke me up," said David Behm of Philo, 10 miles south of Champaign. Windows were rattling, and you could hear it. The house was shaking inches. For people in central Illinois, this is a big deal. It's not like California."

"That was an earthquake"

Right now it is 5:48:00 AM.

I woke up about 10 minutes ago, and the first thing I said was "That was an earthquake."

My wife said, "Go back to sleep - its thunder."

For the record, if I had to guess, I would say it was between a 3 and a 4, but I'm no expert.

...not the thunder, but the earthquake.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"God Still Has Work For Us To Do"

By Jim Kavanagh

"God Still Has Work For Us To Do"
(CNN) -- A missionary family from Minnesota is glad to be alive and together after surviving a plane crash in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the father said Wednesday.

Barry and Marybeth Mosier were on their way to visit their son Keith, 24, in Kinsangani, Congo, with two younger children when their plane crashed on takeoff Tuesday in Goma. More than 30 people died as the plane plowed through a market and burned.

April Mosier, 14, managed to escape quickly, her father said by phone from Goma.

"April raced ahead, and she got to the front of the plane as one of the first people, I think," said Barry Mosier, 53.

The girl encountered a man who was tearing through an opening in the fuselage, Mosier said.

"He was pulling parts of the plane in or pushing them out, trying to make a hole. And she told him -- she speaks Swahili well -- she said, 'We've got to get a hole in this plane or we're all going to die.' " Video Watch as Barry Mosier describes the chaos » the rest here.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Born Again: PianoMan's Great Grandmother

...and this is the Piano Man showing her the song written about her.

I love seeing extended families that love the Lord. It is an awesome thing to know that God put you with your family for a purpose - like the way my own mother's walk with Christ effected my life, it seems obvious that Betty Joe (Great Grandma) has had a profound impact on her kids and grand kids.
You can check out the Piano Man's website by clicking here.

The Burn

Born Again: Dean, A Former Satanist / Wiccan

Born Again: Brian Welch

Friday, April 11, 2008

Thank God Sabbath Is Finally Here

Here we are again; Friday afternoon, the news is out of control, the Democrats are actively trying to destroy our country... along with the Muslims.
The Liberal Leftists are considered to be "intellectuals" while they personify the scripture that says, "with their wisdom they have become fools..."
Hillary and Obama are bombarding the television stations in Indiana, pandering to every pink-o, fascist, communist pansy that will listen.

School in overwhelming, and work is confusing.
Finances are in ruins.
The stock market is crumbling.
Oil just reached $112 a barrel.

With all of this stuff going on, I often wonder how the rest of the
world can manage to get buy without observing Sabbath.
I can't help but think about how ignorant we have become - to think that we have fallen for a lie that says it is "bondage" to obey a command from our loving King, telling us to sit down and rest and reflect on Him on the day that He calls holy.

Call it what you want, but He says that I should call it a delight.
I'll err on the side of Truth any day of the week.

Good Sabbath - Shabbat Shalom!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Looking Forward to Ben Stein's "Expelled"

Click here to see the trailer.

Any way you slice it, Ben is going to get a lot of flack for this (just click here to see some of the rebuttal videos on You Tube).

I think he is an incredible guy for doing what he is doing - he has my support.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Left is Soon to Folllow...

Remember when Iran's beady-eyed leader,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad held that conference devoted to the denial of the Nazi Holocaust?

Well, brace yourselves, because now he is denying that the World Trade Center's Twin Towers actually were destroyed in September 11, 2001.
Yes, you read that correctly - he is saying that it didn't happen; any of it. There were no people killed, there were no planes, any of it.

This can only mean one thing; the Left will be questioning whether 9-11 actually happened or not. After all, magicians can make the Statue of Liberty disappear, can't they? Maybe George Bush is so sinister that he brainwashed us into thinking that this really happened...


"We Need More White People"

Evidently the paper that broke this story has been overloaded by the link, because I can't get through. I have linked to "The Weekly Standard" instead.

The Obama campaign has made race the primary issue in this race, and it just keeps getting more and more sick.

While the crowd was indeed diverse, some students at the event questioned the practices of Mrs. Obama’s event coordinators, who handpicked the crowd sitting behind Mrs. Obama. The Tartan’s correspondents observed one event coordinator say to another, “Get me more white people, we need more white people.” To an Asian girl sitting in the back row, one coordinator said, “We’re moving you, sorry. It’s going to look so pretty, though.”

“I didn’t know they would say, ‘We need a white person here,’ ” said attendee and senior psychology major Shayna Watson, who sat in the crowd behind Mrs. Obama. “I understood they would want a show of diversity, but to pick up people and to reseat them, I didn’t know it would be so outright.” (emphasis mine)

May I interject?
What we need is more people that are not concerned
with the color of other people's skin.
It seems to me that the Obama's won't allow this to be a race of merit, but rather a race of race. The reason is simple - Barack Obama has no merit on which to run. This was proven the moment we all got as look at his "spiritual adviser and mentor" Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

"...Hey! We need a couple more evil white folks over here!
Middle class white people - pronto!"

Can it get more disgusting?

Jimmy... What Has Become Of You?

Its been a long time since I posted something about "The Jimmy Carter," but this couldn't get by unnoticed.

"The Jimmy" has shed all dignity, and is now openly meeting with Hamas leaders.
Ronald Regan is turning over in his grave.


NEW YORK CITY — Former President Jimmy Carter is reportedly preparing an unprecedented meeting with the leader of Hamas, an organization that the U.S. government considers one of the leading terrorist threats in the world.

The Arabic-language newspaper Al-Hayat reported Tuesday that Carter was planning a trip to Syria for mid-April, during which he would meet with Khaled Meshal, the exiled head of the Palestinian terror group Hamas, on April 18.

Deanna Congileo, Carter’s press secretary, confirmed in an e-mail to that Carter will be in the Mideast in April. Pressed for comment, Congileo did not deny that the former president is considering visiting Meshal.

“President Carter is planning a trip to the Mideast next week; however, we are still confirming details of the trip and will issue a press release by the end of this week,” wrote Congileo. “I cannot confirm any specific meetings at this point in time.”

Meshal, who lives in Syria to avoid being arrested by the Israeli government, leads Hamas from his seat in Damascus, where he is a guest of Bashar al-Assad's regime.

Read the rest here.

Photo from Cox and Forkum.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Flight 93 Revisited

Click here to go to the online petition to stop this abomination from being built.


A group of concerned citizens has been raising alarms about the Islamic elements planned for the Flight 93 Memorial near Shanksville, Pa., for years. And a member of Congress has demanded the National Park Service make changes in its plans.

But there's been no substantive response, and now the activists say it's time for the American people to let officials know whether they want to pay for and have installed in the memorial a crescent that points to Mecca to make up a "mihrab," the foundational point for every Islamic mosque, a tower that has been designed like an Islamic sundial and 44 memorial glass blocks, one each for the passengers, crew and terrorists aboard Flight 93.

The new petition is being promoted both online and on paper, and it tells the government simply to investigate the design of the memorial, which is to honor the passengers and crew members of Flight 93 on Sept. 11, 2001.

Authorities believe the hijacked flight may have been the bomb that was supposed to hit the White House or the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Three other flights hijacked that day by Islamic terrorists hit the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, killing just under 3,000 people.

Read the rest here.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Sabbath (Shabbat) Table Setting

I get a lot of visits from people who want to see what a typical Sabbath table looks like, and our Havdalah just came in the mail, and my wife made round Challa bread so... I thought I would put a new picture on to show what ours looks like.
I can't say that it is totally traditional, but that isn't what we are after anyway. We have taken hold of the traditional elements of Shabbat that show a vivid picture of Yeshua (Jesus), and the things that will stick out in our kid's minds as they grow up.
I wanted to show some of the instruments because playing music with my kids is a bg part of our Sabbath evening - next to dinner, my favorite part.

The Havdalah set is used at sundown Saturday night, as sort of a 'farewell' to the Shabbat. You can read about it here.
Funny thing about our Havdalah set; I ordered it from a place in Jerusalem, and was excited about getting it. We waited about six weeks for it to arrive, and when it did, it was beautiful - flawless white porcelain, silver gray and black lettering in Hebrew calligraphy.

I turned it over...

and it said "Made in China."

Shabbat Shalom!

All The King's Men

He was a great man, flanked by mediocrity and ignorance.
I don't agree with all of Martin Luther King Jr's theology, but there is no denying that his message was one of peace, and action through taking the high road.
King was a dynamic leader with an infectious spirit of freedom.

All that said, I think it is safe to say that he be disgusted with the
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson of today.
I'll step out on a limb here, and also say thatI don't think he would
be rallying behind the irreverent Jeremiah Wright either.

Remember the 80's?

So, my wife is wanting to start making Maessianic T-shirt designs.
So far, she seems to be a natural too, take a look at her first creation:

...I like it.
When I was growing up, my neighbor had a very manly female cousin
who used to always wear a bright yellow t-shirt that said,

"You toucha my shirt, I breaka you face."

It was highly appropriate for her.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Other Mangos!?

This one isn't named Mango, but he likes to eat he's alright by me.

The Carpenter's Shop - podcasting on iTunes

Hello everybody!
We get a lot of questions about why we do Passover instead of Easter; go to church on Saturday instead of Sunday, eat kosher, etc. So, we are podcasting teachings from the radio show our church did locally, and our weekly sermons.

You can subscribe through iTunes by clicking here, or if you want to listen without subscribing or downloading the entire episode (about 28Mb, or 30 min.) you can go to, and listen to it via streaming audio. Thanks, and please email me with any feedback.

In Christ,

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Virtual Vietnam War Memorial: Panel 23W, Line 50

Samuel E Benge

Private First Class - E3

Light Weapons Infantry (ARMY)

Hometown: New Ross, IN

Religion: Methodist

Marital Status: Single, Male

Birth: Nov 13, 1948

Tour Start Date: May 2, 1969

Casualty/Death Date: June 3, 1969

Casualty Type: Hostile, Died

Cause: Multiple Fragmentation Wounds

Place of Death: Binh Duong, South Vietnam

Major Command: 25th Inf Div

Battalion: 1st Bn

Regiment: 27th Infantry

Panel 23W

Line 50


They say that being in the presence of the Vietnam War Memorial wall leaves you without words. The ominous black stone bearing so many names of men that died in combat strikes the looker with a sense of awe that is experienced nowhere else in the world.
I have never had the honor of going to the wall, so when I read on the news yesterday that there was a virtual wall website, I went there immediately.

I found what I was looking for. month and one day.

Even though it is on my computer screen,
It still strikes me speechless.
Even if just for a moment.

Click here, or on the image above to go to the sight;
you will not be sorry.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Don't add or take away...

So, if we are not supposed to add or take away from God's Holy Word,

...what about all of those tiny New Testaments?
Isn't that sort of like giving somebody the last chapter of their car's owner's manual?

They Deserve Their Own State?

Child Kills Bush, White House Becomes Mosque' on Hamas TV
A Hamas TV children's puppet show confirms Fitna-movie premise: Moslem child stabs Bush to death, White House becomes mosque.


If you are on dial-up and can not watch the video, the puppet that is saying "I will kill you Bush..." is a little boy.
I guarantee that you will not see this on the news tonight. Just imagine if this was a Christian church in the US - the backlash would be huge - not for the "Palestinians" though. They are relentlessly called "freedom fighters" and "activists" rather than hate-mongers.

It is worth noting that this is their own declared intent for the United States; to turn it into a Muslim nation, subject to Sharia law. And it is already happening all over the world.