Friday, April 11, 2008

Thank God Sabbath Is Finally Here

Here we are again; Friday afternoon, the news is out of control, the Democrats are actively trying to destroy our country... along with the Muslims.
The Liberal Leftists are considered to be "intellectuals" while they personify the scripture that says, "with their wisdom they have become fools..."
Hillary and Obama are bombarding the television stations in Indiana, pandering to every pink-o, fascist, communist pansy that will listen.

School in overwhelming, and work is confusing.
Finances are in ruins.
The stock market is crumbling.
Oil just reached $112 a barrel.

With all of this stuff going on, I often wonder how the rest of the
world can manage to get buy without observing Sabbath.
I can't help but think about how ignorant we have become - to think that we have fallen for a lie that says it is "bondage" to obey a command from our loving King, telling us to sit down and rest and reflect on Him on the day that He calls holy.

Call it what you want, but He says that I should call it a delight.
I'll err on the side of Truth any day of the week.

Good Sabbath - Shabbat Shalom!

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