Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Messianic podcast: The Word Is Grace

Well, I finally got through this semester. Finally, I can take a deep breath, swallow some Tylenol, take a shot of Imodium AD, drink a glass of green tea, and relax.

(photo from

I have started uploading our weekly church service as a free podcast on

If you have questions about the Messianic, or Hebrew Roots teachings, please feel free to download our weekly teaching and hear it for yourself; it is totally confidential, and you are sure

to be fed.

We have just begun an in depth study of the Gospel of John, taught by Jim Denman.

I still get a lot of hits on Mangdiddles for “free messianic teaching” and “Messianic radio stations” so I am hoping that The Word Is Grace will fulfill that need. In the future, we are going to be starting a radio station (probably on Shoutcast) that will be a compilation of our weekly studies, and some good Messianic praise music. In the meantime, click here to download what we have on podcast. If you still need more, I would encourage you to check out “Messianic Jewish Teachings

from Beth Israel,

and Grant Luton’s free audio teachings located here. Grant has a great set of weekly parsha commentary teachings that I download frequently.

I hope this helps. At the very least, it will answer any questions that you may have about One Law, Hebrew Roots or Messianic Christianity. Don't believe everything that you hear - we don't sacrifice lambs or require Hebrew classes. Nor do we believe that we are saved by observing Torah.

What do we believe then? Why do we have those things hanging off of the bottom of our shirts or belt loops? Why do we not eat bacon? What's with the beard!?'ll have to download to find out!

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