Friday, June 27, 2008


Its almost like saccharine, isn't it?

(CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, each donated $2,300 Thursday to the campaign of his former opponent, Sen. Hillary Clinton, which is millions of dollars in debt.

They are one and the same - Obama is merely making an investment into his own ideology.
UPDATE: I called it first. (From

Clinton Says 'We Stand Shoulder to Shoulder for Ideals We Share':(Click here for story)
For starters, how 'bout "IDEAS" we share. There is nothing "ideal" about communism, socialism, or the nanny state.

What in the heck are these people gearing up to? There is a culmination of all things evil brewing up in the Democrat Party - is she going to be asked to be the VP, or is Obama just trying to keep his name off of the Clinton "hit list?"

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