Thursday, May 04, 2006

It's not New Orleans, it's His Holy City.

At what point does a homosexual decide that he or she must flaunt their sexual preferences in the public? I mean honestly, why would a person want to “tell the world” about something as personal as that - in a parade, no less – even if they do feel that it is right?

I should say up front that I believe homosexuality is sin – just like, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, envy, murder, debate, deceit (Romans 1:29)... you get the point; are sins. Can you imagine a parade hosting thousands of cheating husbands declaring; “We cheat on our wives, and we are proud of it – accept us!” or legions alcoholics staggering in the streets telling the world, “This is who we are! Give us the same driving privileges as sober people! We should be able to go anywhere we want – accept us! This is how we want to live!” (Oops, I think I just described Mardi Gras... but you get the point).

I am saying all of this because of a recent headline in Ynet News:

Jerusalem mayor: Gay parade a provocation

The provocation mentioned in the article stems from Orthodox Jews, who reacted violently to the "Gay Pride" parade held in Tel Aviv last year.

In Jerusalem, the very city that God chose to call His own, I can’t help but ask who is really being provoked here? I am pretty sure that the Orthodox Jews are the least of Israel’s concerns at this point, which is why I asked the question above. I can not for the life of me think of any other reason for “gay” people to hold their “Gay Pride” parade in Jerusalem, other than to provoke God Himself.

I know that gays can find the Savior, and I believe that they should be accepted into the congregation - when they have repented of, and acknowledged their sins - just like an alcoholic, or a child molester, or a thief should. I must say though, that I pray that the Orthodox, the Non-Orthodox, the Ultra- Orthodox, the Christians, and the Messianics, and anyone else who knows Israel’s history, can rise up to stop this thing before the Provoked One has had enough.

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